chopsticks can help

Plant tips 19

Chopsticks for plant aeration  Chopsticks are perfect for aerating the soil of your houseplants. By moving the soil around, you help to improve ...

Village Herald

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Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025

who are you hugging today

National Hug Day

National Hugging Day Today is National Hugging Day, a January 21 holiday. What a great day it’s going to be! Today is an opportunity to gi...


Deviled Egg Day

Today is Deviled Egg Day

 Certainly, it is a devil of a day. Like any other food holiday, this day is a culinary delight. No one knows where it got its devilish name. i

A large egg has just 7 calories. It has 7 grams of protein. And, it is high in minerals and vitamins.

Older eggs have larger air cells, making them easier to peel off the shell.

A chicken egg develops over a period of 24 to 26 hours. After the hen has laid the egg, a new one begins to develop within 30 minutes.

The world’s largest chicken egg was laid in 2010 by a hen named “Harriet”. It measured 9.1 inches in diameter. Imagine the size of that egg made into deviled egg.