Imagine walking it all

World Largest Casino

This is the WinStar Casino in Oklahoma it is the largest casino in the world. Its over 600,000 square feet.  I could imagine it would talk a lot ...

Village Herald

Your source of Bingo News!

Wednesday, September 18th, 2024

Guess someone doesn't like being told no

Little cat being sassy

This kitten acts like a 2 year old when they get told no lol if you put a picture of my granddaughter beside the kitten that face is almost identical....


Do you like watching big storms

Have you ever been caught in a major storm

It can be so scary but amazing to watch.

 When we lived on a farm there was a major storm, with a tornado extreme winds hail and downpours.

As much as I love watching lightening and even hail watching a tornado head for your house is one thing I never want to see again. We were lucky it changed direction and took out 2 trees instead of our house. After the storm we found our patio furniture 2 side roads over in a field and the kids trampoline 1 mile down the road.

How about you would you ever stand and watch a storm?