chopsticks can help

Plant tips 19

Chopsticks for plant aeration  Chopsticks are perfect for aerating the soil of your houseplants. By moving the soil around, you help to improve ...

Village Herald

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Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025

who are you hugging today

National Hug Day

National Hugging Day Today is National Hugging Day, a January 21 holiday. What a great day it’s going to be! Today is an opportunity to gi...


Guy Fawkes Day

In 1603, King James I took the throne in England. An avid Protestant, he began persecuting Catholics in the country.  He forbid Catholics from practicing their religion, and punished Catholics who did not convert to the Protestant church.

The Gunpowder Conspirators were a group of Catholics who sought to take action against the king. They plotted to blow up the British Houses of Parliament. They planned to do so when the king and his supporters were in the buildings. Their plot was uncovered on November 5, 1605. Thirty-six barrels of gunpowder were found in the basement of Parliament. Guy Fawkes, the leader of the conspiracy, was arrested and tortured until he confessed. He was arrested just as he was about to ignite the gunpowder.