Imagine walking it all

World Largest Casino

This is the WinStar Casino in Oklahoma it is the largest casino in the world. Its over 600,000 square feet.  I could imagine it would talk a lot ...

Village Herald

Your source of Bingo News!

Wednesday, September 18th, 2024

Guess someone doesn't like being told no

Little cat being sassy

This kitten acts like a 2 year old when they get told no lol if you put a picture of my granddaughter beside the kitten that face is almost identical....


How time flys

Hard to believe how fast summer is flying by.  The kids will soon be back in school moms will be doing the back-to-school happy dances. Just a little over a month from now it will be fall, the leaves will start to turn into beautiful colors and fall to the ground. Pumpkin spice scent will fill the air, people will be out looking for that big pumpkin to carve and set out for Halloween. Time to step back and relax taking in these last few weeks of summer so we can make it threw the long winter months.


Remember as summer ends and the kids are going back in school so watch out for little ones on the roads and the school buses that have to frequently stop to let kids off. Be vigilant and keep our kids safe they are our future.