National Clam Chowder Day
National Clam Chowder Day
Something is fishy about this day. But, it’s fishy in a good and tasty way. Today is National Clam Chowder Day. This February 25 food holiday exists to enjoy one of the five top varieties of soup. You can have either Manhattan Clam Chowder, or the far more popular New England Clam Chowder. We strongly suggest that you have a bowl of each variety of this fish soup. And get your fill as you eat it for both lunch and dinner.
Fish soups are a favorite among sailors the world over. They have been for seemingly forever. But, they couldn’t keep this delicious and heathy food a secret. Records suggest that water-based fish soups date back to 1795. Other records suggest clam chowder, a creamy milk-based soup, was first served in 1836. However, we firmly believe fish soups and chowders were popular for thousands of years, especially in seaports around the world.