give it up let it go free yourself

National Get Over It Day

National Get over it day There are so many problems and negative things that can linger in our minds for a long time. It could be almost anything: t...

Village Herald

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Sunday, March 9th, 2025

Nice wins wtg all

March 8th top 5 winners in the Network Lucky Charm Slot tourney

Congrats to March 8th top 5 winners of the Network Lucky Charm Slot winners 1st place winning $5000        Bettysu...


National clean out your fridge day

Clean out your Fridge Day

Today is that dreaded day where you dive deep into your fridge to find all those science experiments growing way in the back of it. Time to clear them all out scrub down the whole fridge and throw out all those outdated condiments. Once its done you can do out and do a shopping trip  and know you will have plenty of room for new stuff.