Helpful planting tips

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Monday, January 6th, 2025

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National whipped cream Day

National Whipped Cream Day   Whipped cream is light, airy, and sweet. Originally called “Snow Milk”, we use it as a topping or an i...


National fruitcake toss day

National Fruitcake Toss Day

The holidays are over. The decorations are stored away until next Christmas. It’s time to get rid of the last symbol of the Christmas season… the fruitcake. Today is Fruitcake Toss Day, a January 3 holiday. It is your opportunity to finally throw away the old fruitcake. After the holidays are over, it’s time to bring in the new, and toss out the old. So, today is the day that the fruit cake goes….hooray! If you’re not sure how to get rid of it, play the Fruitcake Toss Game. (See instructions for playing below).

There is no one way to toss out the old fruitcake. Why not make a little fun out of it? Gather up a few friends who also are fortunate enough to have received a fruitcake for the holidays. Go out to a field and see who can toss it the farthest. Caution: do not toss the cake at anyone. This weighty steel-like mass of sugar, flour, and fruits could injure someone if they are hit by it.

How to Celebrate Fruitcake Toss Day

  • Simply throw it away.
  • Toss it in the composter or compost pile. Hopefully, it will turn into valuable compost for your plants in the spring.
  • Invite your friends. Slice it up and eat it.
  • Hold a Fruitcake Toss party. Invite everyone you know to bring their fruitcakes to the party. Create unique and ingenious ways to destroy them. Give prizes to anyone whose fruitcake proves indestructible.
  • Drop it from a step ladder.