Plant appreciation day
Houseplant appreciation Day
Today is Houseplant Appreciation Day, a January 10 holiday. The holidays are over. The decorations have been put away for another year. The house looks a little plain, a little drab. In the greyishness of January, your eye catches something in the corner of the room. Why it’s a houseplant! Funny, but with all of the holiday hullabaloo, you’ve all but forgotten your houseplants.
Today is THE day to get back to tending to and loving your houseplants. And, it’s also a day to appreciate just how special and important they are. They are therapeutic, lifting your mood and outlook. They add warmth and a calming effect. If you are a gardener, they allow you to play in the dirt, until spring arrives in the far, distant future.
There are lots of ways to celebrate and enjoy this day. They include:
- Start by making sure that the houseplants you already have, are well-watered. Give them a special treat today… a little fertilizer.
- If you do not have any houseplants, or just have a couple, buy a new houseplant (or two) on this day).
- Learn more about the benefits of houseplants to your health.
- Stand by your houseplant and breath in the air! It’s giving off oxygen.
Give a houseplant to a friend, especially the elderly or shut-ins.