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Johnny Appleseed Day

Johnny Appleseed Day  Johnny Appleseed was a real person. Born John Chapman, he was among the American settlers captivated by the movement west ...

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Wednesday, March 12th, 2025

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March 10th top 5 winners of Network Lucky Charm slots tourney

Congrats to March 10th top 5 winners of the Network Lucky Charm Slot winners 1st place winning $2000        Pookie...


plant tip 24

Drill clean drainage holes 

If you’re planting in a pot and you want to add drainage holes, you can use a drill. Drill a small hole in the bottom layer of each pot, just above the roots. Use a piece of wire or a chopstick to hold the pot in place while you drill. Ensure the hole is big enough for water to flow out. Drill the hole carefully so that the planter doesn’t develop any cracks. Use a diamond-tipped bit for glazed ceramic pots. A masonry drill will be ideal for terracotta or stone pots. For a plastic pot, use a simple drill bit.