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Johnny Appleseed Day

Johnny Appleseed Day  Johnny Appleseed was a real person. Born John Chapman, he was among the American settlers captivated by the movement west ...

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March 10th top 5 winners of Network Lucky Charm slots tourney

Congrats to March 10th top 5 winners of the Network Lucky Charm Slot winners 1st place winning $2000        Pookie...


Plant tip 28

Toilet paper roll plant starters 

Toilet paper rolls make great plant starters because they are easy to care for. To create a toilet paper roll plant starter, put one or two rolls of toilet paper into a small container filled with soil. For best results, add organic matter to the soil before planting your toilet paper. If you wish to have a high number of plants you may grow from your starter, you can also add some seeds to the soil. A good seed mix for this type of garden includes black-eyed peas, navy beans, lima beans, garbanzo beans, and lentils.