Spice up your life day
Spice up your life Day
Get off of the couch and go have some fun. Get your heart pumping and your blood circulating. Stretch and use those muscles before they begin to atrophy. Today is Spice Up Your Life Day. Despite what you might think, the goal of this day is not to spice up the food you eat. Rather, the objective of this February 17 holiday is to create fun and excitement in your life. We especially need some excitement in the middle of February, when we are indoors during cold, wintry weather. So, get out of your igloo, as it’s pretty chilly in there. Go and do something really fun and exciting. This holiday will likely leave you tired and perhaps with a few sore muscles. However, it also sends you to bed with a smile on your face and some great new memories.
You don’t have to leave your house to enjoy this holiday. However, we strongly encourage it. What you choose to do today could be small, like taking a winter hike. Or it can be big, like traveling to some exotic place. While this day encourages you to get off the couch and turn off the television, that’s not the main objective. The main goal of this day is to incent you to do something wild and exciting Try something that is out of character. Do something you’ve never done before. That’s the real spice of life. You’ll know you accomplished this goal when people tell you it’s not like you to do that.