Spunky Old Broads Day
Spunky Old Broads Day
Spunky Old Broads Day is upon us. Aren’t you glad!? This special February 1 holiday exists to give all Spunky Old Broads (S.O.B.) a day to recognize their importance and celebrate themselves and their accomplishments. It is also a perfect day for the young ladies among us an opportunity to begin planning and preparing to become a S.O.B. someday.
When thinking about what an S.O.B. should be, one thinks of successful, independent, self-reliant, smart, intelligent, outgoing and outspoken, resourceful, bold, brave, and anything but shy.
- If you are a spunky old broad, take pride in this fact and celebrate it.
- Don’t be shy. Tout your independence, intelligence, and, accomplishments.
- If you are not yet an S.O.B., work towards becoming one.
- Appreciate the value of these women.