Imagine walking it all

World Largest Casino

This is the WinStar Casino in Oklahoma it is the largest casino in the world. Its over 600,000 square feet.  I could imagine it would talk a lot ...

Village Herald

Your source of Bingo News!

Wednesday, September 18th, 2024

Guess someone doesn't like being told no

Little cat being sassy

This kitten acts like a 2 year old when they get told no lol if you put a picture of my granddaughter beside the kitten that face is almost identical....


Tips for using baking soda

Clean and Deodorize Your Cutting Board

For a board that's as fresh as a daisy, let baking soda come to the rescue. Just a sprinkle on the surface, then bring on the lemon wedge cavalry to scour away the stink. Rinse and behold: your board's clean, deodorized.

Treat Insect Bites

A simple paste of baking soda and water is like the cool breeze on a sweltering day for your skin., it's the perfect spot treatment to calm the itch and send redness packing.

Clean the Marks Your Kids Make on the Walls

Lightly dampen a cloth, sprinkle it with baking soda, and gently rub the crayon marks. This should lift the scribbles without too much effort. However, be gentle to avoid damaging the wall's finish. Rinse the cloth and repeat until the mark is gone.