Valentines Day
Valentines Day
Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love and lovers. The roots of Valentine’s Day go back to ancient times when people paid honor to the Roman God of Fertility. This was known as the Feast of Lupercalia and was celebrated even then on February 14th. It is a romantic event for lovers and a fun event for kids and families. Many couples become engaged or married on this, the most romantic day of the year. For others, it is a day to fall in love.
The traditions of Valentine’s Day are broad and many. It is a time to exchange cards or small gifts. Chocolates, flowers, jewelry, and romantic dinners are the big hits of this holiday.
Many flowers express love in some way or other. They are popular for Valentine’s Day, but may be better for your budget than a dozen roses. Here is a partial list:
Roses: The red rose is the universal symbol of romantic love. Need we say more!?
The Valentine Flower – Sure, red roses symbolize love. But, did you know there’s a flower, and it is not a rose, that is called the Valentine Flower!?
Forget-Me-Not – These perennial flowers are a sing of love or friendship. Pretty blue flowers are irresistible.
Love-In-A-Mist – When you are in love, you’re on Cloud Nine.
Cyclamen – This popular Valentine’s Day gift has heart-shaped leaves. The most popular are varieties are those with red flowers. Gee, I wonder why…..
Mistletoe – According to tradition, you kiss your intended under the Mistletoe at Christmas. You can also do so on Valentine’s Day. Good luck finding Mistletoe in February…..
Passion Flower – ignite your passion.