Imagine walking it all

World Largest Casino

This is the WinStar Casino in Oklahoma it is the largest casino in the world. Its over 600,000 square feet.  I could imagine it would talk a lot ...

Village Herald

Your source of Bingo News!

Wednesday, September 18th, 2024

Guess someone doesn't like being told no

Little cat being sassy

This kitten acts like a 2 year old when they get told no lol if you put a picture of my granddaughter beside the kitten that face is almost identical....


Wishing we were back in 1950

Wouldn't it be nice if we could go back in time  when it was time to go grocery shopping. I was checking out some prices from years ago and we could save a fortune.  For a cart of groceries back in 1950 would be around $25-$30 and today that would cost us about $500 to $600 easily.

The cuts of meat were better back then the fruits and vegatables fresher.

So many things have changed over the year i would  love to go back to those days even for 1 day. 

How about everyone else would you enjoy going back in time just for a day?